May 13, 1794

Stokes County, N.C.

N.C. State Archives CR 090.801.S.

Click here to see copy of the handwritten will in the State Archives

In the name of God, Amen, I William Southern of Stokes County, being weak in Body, but of sound memory (blessed be God) do this Thirteenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety four make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following: (that is to say) First I give to my Daughter Judith Southern one Feather bead [bed] with Furniture, also one Cow and Calf. Also I give the remainder of all my household stuff and Furniture, Together with all of stock of Horses, Cows, hogs and all and every kind of stock belonging to me with all and every kind of Plantation Utentials with all and every kind of working [Tools, Tubs?] to my wife Magdalin Southern for and during her natural life or Widowhood in Case she shall see cause to marry again all the above mentioned Articles given to her shall immediately be equally divided amongst my children, but should she remain a widow during her life what ever shall remain of what is hereby given to her after she has had her living as maintenance and of it she may at her death dispose of it as she shall see Cause but only to my Children. Also, I give to my sd. wife the Plantation whereon I now live together with all the land thereunto belonging with all Houses, Orchards, and ever other kind of benefit to the sd. Plantation or land belonging or in any wise Appertaining for and during her natural life or Widowhood at the end of either the sd. Plantation and Land I hereby give to my son John Southern forever. I make and ordain my sd. wife sole Executrix of this my Will, in Trust for the Intents and Purposes in this my will contained. Nothing in this will is to opperate against the Land and Plantation that I have given my son John a Deed of gift for in witness whereof I have to this my last will and Testament set my Hand and Seal, the Day and Year above written.

(signed) William Southern

Signed, Sealed, and delivered by the sd. William Southern as and for his last Will and Testament, in the Presence of us, who were present at the Signing and Sealing thereof.

Jonathan Varnam
Ford Southern
Jonathan Barnard, Jurat

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