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Michael Tesh Southern (b. 1947) lives in Raleigh, N.C. He is the youngest child of William Leonard Southern and Rowena Tesh Southern and was raised in Raleigh. He is a 1973 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and worked 44 years as an architectural historian with the State Historic Preservation Office of the North Carolina Office of Archives and History, Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources. His ancestral line descends from William and Magdalen Southern through their son Ford Southern. Most of the research on this site was done pre-internet, cranking through microfilm at the State Archives and by paper correspondence with other researchers.  This website owes a great deal to the late Margaret Killgore Reed of Houston, Texas, who traced her matriarchal back to William and Magdalen through their daughter Judith Southern Burch and generously shared her research. Michael may be reached at